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Company Integrations

Company level integrations allow you to create integrations for use across your entire Gremlin company. You can configure company integrations from the Company Settings page, on the Integrations tab. You can configure team integrations from the Team Settings page, on the Team Integrations tab. If an integration has already been configured for a specific tool, it will be shown in the grid with Edit and Delete buttons. If the integration has not been configured, you can configure it by clicking the Add button.

The following company level integrations are available:

Team Integrations

Team level integrations allow you to share authentication headers and API keys for the tools in your ecosystem across your team. Saving a team integration entry provides a common starting point for your team because the authentication and API details only need to be entered once. For example, if the team plans to use the Grafana Cloud k6, once the integration is set up and the connection to the API authenticated, team members only need to enter the specific endpoint(s) needed to run the load test.

You can configure team integrations from the Team Settings page, on the Team Integrations tab. If an integration has already been configured for a specific tool, it will be shown in the grid with Edit and Delete buttons. If the integration has not been configured, it will be available in the Integration drop-down list.

Load Generator Authentication

For specific authentication instructions for each supported tool, see the following pages:


Gremlin Fault Injection (FI) lets you create custom webhooks. These send a REST API call to an endpoint of your choice based on one of three events: when an experiment initializes, when an experiment starts running, and when an experiment completes. You can configure webhooks with a custom URL, method, header, and payload.

Click here for specific instructions on creating webhooks.

Account Integrations

The following account level integrations are available:

Private Network Integrations

By default, Gremlin communicates with integrations over the public Internet. If you want to integrate with services that are only available on a private network (e.g. observability tools hosted behind a firewall), you'll need to deploy the Private Network Integration Agent.