Chaos Monkey Alternatives

Tools for Creating Chaos Outside of AWS

  • 8 min read
  • Last Updated October 17, 2018

Chaos Monkey serves a singular purpose -- to randomly terminate instances. As discussed in Chaos Monkey and Spinnaker and The Pros and Cons of Chaos Monkey, additional tools are required when using Chaos Monkey, in order to cover the broad spectrum of experimentation and failure injection required for proper Chaos Engineering.

In this chapter, we'll explore a wide range of tools and techniques -- regardless of the underlying technologies -- that you and your team can use to intelligently induce failures while confidently building toward a more resilient system.


Perhaps the most prominent fault-tolerant tool for Apache is Cassandra, the NoSQL, performant, highly-scalable data management solution. Check out this talk by Christos Kalantzis, Netflix's Director of Engineering for a great example of how Chaos Engineering can be applied within Cassandra.


Hadoop's unique Distributed File System (HDFS) requires that the FileSystem Java API and shell access allow applications and the operating system to read and interact with the HDFS. Therefore, most of the Chaos Engineering tools that run on underlying systems can also be used for injecting failure into Hadoop. Check out the Linux section in particular.

Anarchy Ape

Anarchy Ape is an open-source tool primarily coded in Java that injects faults into Hadoop cluster nodes. It is capable of corrupting specific files, corrupting random HDFS blocks, disrupting networks, killing DataNodes or NameNodes, dropping network packets, and much more.

Anarchy Ape is executed via the ape command line tool. Check out the official repository for more details on installing and using Anarchy Ape on your Hadoop clusters.

Hadoop Killer

Hadoop Killer is an open-source tool written in Ruby that kills random Java processes on a local system. It can be installed using RubyGems and is configured via a simple YAML syntax.

2 target: 'MyProcess'
3 max: 3
4 probability: 20
5 interval: 1
  • target: The name of the process to kill.
  • max: Maximum number of times to kill the process.
  • probability: Percentage probability to kill the process during each attempt.
  • interval: Number of seconds between attempts.

Have a look at the GitHub repository for the basic info on using Hadoop Killer.


The primary fault injection tool explicitly built for Kafka is its built-in Trogdor test framework. Trogdor executes fault injection through a single-coordinator multi-agent process. Trogdor has two built-in fault types.

  • ProcessStopFault: Stops the specified process by sending a SIGSTOP signal.
  • NetworkPartitionFault: Creates an artificial network partition between nodes using iptables.

Each user agent can be assigned to perform a Task, which is an action defined in JSON and includes the full Java class, along with startMs and durationMs, which indicate the milliseconds since the Unix epoch for when to start and how long to run the Task, respectively. All additional fields are customized and Task-specific.

Here's a simple Task to trigger a NetworkPartitionFault by creating a network partition between node1 and node2.

2 "class": "org.apache.kafka.trogdor.fault.NetworkPartitionFaultSpec",
3 "startMs": 1000,
4 "durationMs": 30000,
5 "partitions": ["node1", "node2"]

Check out the wiki documentation for more details on using Trogdor to inject faults and perform tests in your Kafka system.


Chaos Engineering with Spark comes down to the underlying platforms on which your application resides. For example, if you're using the Tensorframes wrapper to integrate Spark with your TensorFlow application then Gremlin's Failure as a Service solution can help you inject failure and learn how to create a more resilient application.

Spark Streaming applications also include built-in fault-tolerance. Each Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) that Spark handles is subject to loss prevention policies defined in the Fault-Tolerance Semantics documentation.

Lastly, Spark's built-in integration tests include a handful of fault injections like the NetworkFaultInjection.


There are an abundance of Chaos Monkey alternatives for container-based applications. Browse through the Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Docker and Chaos Monkey Alternatives - OpenShift chapters for many great solutions.


Check out Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Docker for details on using Pumba, Gremlin, Docker Chaos Monkey, and Docker Simian Army to inject chaos into your Docker containers.


Head over to the Chaos Monkey Alternatives - OpenShift chapter for information on utilizing Monkey Ops, Gremlin, and Pumba to run Chaos Experiments in OpenShift distributions.

Erlang VM

In addition to the Elixir-specific Chaos Spawn tool, this presentation by Pavlo Baron shows a real-time demo of a Chaos Experiment that injects failure into 1,000 parallel actors within Erlang VM.


Chaos Spawn is an open-source tool written in Elixir that periodically terminates low-level processes. Based on Chaos Monkey, Chaos Spawn has limited capabilities but it is also quite easy to install and configure.

  • To install Chaos Spawn just add chaos_spawn to your mix.exs dependencies.

    1# mix.exs
    2defp deps do
    3 [
    4 { :chaos_spawn, "~> 0.8.0" },
    5 # ...
    6 ]
  • Within mix.exs you'll also need to add chaos_spawn to applications.

    1def application do
    2 applications: [:chaos_spawn, :phoenix, :phoenix_html, :logger]]
  • Add use ChaosSpawn.Chaotic.Spawn to any module that should be eligible to create targetable processes.

    1defmodule ChaosSpawn.Example.Spawn do
    2 use ChaosSpawn.Chaotic.Spawn
    4 def test do
    5 spawn fn ->
    6 IO.puts "Message sent"
    7 receive do
    8 _ -> IO.puts "Message received"
    9 end
    10 end
    11 end
  • You can also add :chaos_spawn configuration keys to your config/config.exs file.

    1# config/config.exs
    2# Milliseconds between spawn checks.
    3config :chaos_spawn, :kill_tick, 5000
    4# Per-tick probability of killing a targeted process (0.0 - 1.0).
    5config :chaos_spawn, :kill_probability, 0.25
    6# Valid time period (UTC) in which to kill processes.
    7config :chaos_spawn, :only_kill_between, {% raw %}{{12, 00, 00}, {16, 00, 00}}{% endraw %}

Have a look at the official GitHub repository for more info on using Chaos Spawn to inject Chaos in your Elixir applications.


There are dozens of alternative tools to Chaos Monkey available for the most popular infrastructure technologies and platforms on the market. Have a look through Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Azure, Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Google Cloud Platform, and Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Kubernetes for many great options.


Read through our Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Azure chapter for guidance on how the Azure Search team created their own Search Chaos Monkey, along with implementing your own Chaos Engineering practices in Azure with Gremlin, WazMonkey, and Azure's Fault Analysis Service.

Google Cloud Platform

Check out Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Google Cloud Platform for details on using the simple Google Cloud Chaos Monkey tool, Gremlin's Failure as a Service, and the open-source Chaos Toolkit for injecting failure into your own Google Cloud Platform systems.


A quick read of our Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Kubernetes chapter will teach you all about the Kube Monkey, Kubernetes Pod Chaos Monkey, Chaos Toolkit, and Gremlin tools, which can be deployed on Kubernetes clusters to execute Chaos Experiments and create more resilient applications.


In addition to the many tools features in the Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Private Cloud, and VMware sections we're looking at a few network manipulation tools for injecting failure in your on-premise architecture.


Blockade is an open-source tool written in Python that creates various network failure scenarios within distributed applications. Blockade uses Docker containers to perform actions and manage the network from the host system.

  • To get started with Blockade you'll need a Docker container image for Blockade to use. We'll use ubuntu:trusty so make sure it's locally installed.

    1sudo docker pull ubuntu:trusty
  • Install Blockade via pip.

    1pip install blockade
  • Verify the installation with blockade -h.

    1blockade -h
  • Blockade is configured via the blockade.yml file, which defines the containers and the respective commands that will be executed by that container. These command values can be anything you'd like (such as running an app or service), but for this example, we're just performing a ping on port 4321 of the first container.

    1nano blockade.yml
    2 c1:
    3 image: ubuntu:trusty
    4 command: /bin/sleep 300000
    5 ports: [4321]
    7 c2:
    8 image: ubuntu:trusty
    9 command: sh -c "ping $C1_PORT_4321_TCP_ADDR"
    10 links: ['c1']
    12 c3:
    13 image: ubuntu:trusty
    14 command: sh -c "ping $C1_PORT_4321_TCP_ADDR"
    15 links: ['c1']
  • To run Blockade and have it create the specified containers use the blockade up command.

    1blockade up
    2# OUTPUT
    4c1 dcb76a588453 UP NORMAL
    5c2 e44421cae80f UP NORMAL
    6c3 de4510131684 UP NORMAL
  • Blockade grabs the log output from each container, which can be viewed via blockade logs <container>. Here we're viewing the last few lines of the c2 log output, which shows it is properly pinging port 4321 on container c1.

    1blockade logs c2 | tail
    2# OUTPUT
    364 bytes from icmp_seq=188 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms
    464 bytes from icmp_seq=189 ttl=64 time=0.100 ms
    564 bytes from icmp_seq=190 ttl=64 time=0.119 ms
    664 bytes from icmp_seq=191 ttl=64 time=0.034 ms
  • Blockade comes with a handful of network manipulation commands, each of which can be applied to one or more containers.

    • blockade duplicate <container1>[, <containerN>]: Randomly generates duplicate packets.
    • blockade fast <container>[, <containerN>]: Reverts any previous modifications.
    • blockade flaky <container>[, <containerN>]: Randomly drops packets.
    • blockade slow <container>[, <containerN>]: Slows the network.
    • blockade partition <container>[, <containerN>]: Creates a network partition.
  • Run a test on c2 to see how it impacts traffic. Here we're slowing c2.

    1blockade slow c2
    2blockade logs c2 | tail
    1# OUTPUT
    264 bytes from icmp_seq=535 ttl=64 time=86.3 ms
    364 bytes from icmp_seq=536 ttl=64 time=0.120 ms
    464 bytes from icmp_seq=537 ttl=64 time=116 ms
    564 bytes from icmp_seq=538 ttl=64 time=85.1 ms

    We can see that the network has been slowed significantly, causing (relatively) massive delays to the majority of our ping requests.

1blockade destroy

Check out the official documentation for more details on using Blockade.


Toxiproxy is an open-source framework written in Go for simulating network conditions within application code. It is primarily intended for testing, continuous integration, and development environments, but it can be customized to support randomized Chaos Experiments. Much of Toxiproxy's integration comes from open-source client APIs, which make it easy for Toxiproxy to integrate with a given application stack.

As an API within your application Toxiproxy can accomplish a lot of network simulations and manipulations, but this example shows how to use Toxiproxy to disconnect all Redis connections during a Rails application test.

  • (Optional) Create a Rails application.

    1rails new toxidemo && cd toxidemo
  • Add the toxiproxy and redis gems to the Gemfile.

    1# Gemfile
    2gem 'redis'
    3gem 'toxiproxy'
  • Install all gems.

    1bundle install
  • Scaffold a new Post model in Rails.

    1rails g scaffold Post tags:string
  • For this test, we need to map both listener and upstream Redis ports for Toxiproxy. Add this to config/boot.rb to ensure it executes before connections are established.

    1# config/boot.rb
    2require 'toxiproxy'
    5 {
    6 name: "toxiproxy_test_redis_tags",
    7 listen: "",
    8 upstream: ""
    9 }
  • To create the TagRedis proxied instance we need to add the following to config/environment/test.rb so it is only created during test executions.

    1# config/environment/test.rb
    2TagRedis = 22222)
  • Add the following methods to app/models/post.rb, which explicitly calls the proxied TagRedis instance that is created above.

    1# app/models/post.rb
    2def tags
    3 TagRedis.smembers(tag_key)
    6def add_tag(tag)
    7 TagRedis.sadd(tag_key, tag)
    10def remove_tag(tag)
    11 TagRedis.srem(tag_key, tag)
    14def tag_key
    15 "post:tags:#{}"
  • Add the following test to test/models/post_test.rb.

    1setup do
    2 @post = posts(:one)
    5test "should return empty array when tag redis is down while listing tags" do
    6 @post.add_tag "gremlins"
    8 Toxiproxy[/redis/].down do
    9 assert_equal [], @post.tags
    10 end
  • Migrate the database for the first time if you haven't done so.

    1rails db:migrate
  • Open a second terminal window and start the Toxiproxy server so it'll listen for connections.

    2# OUTPUT
    3INFO[0000] API HTTP server starting host=localhost port=8474 version=2.1.3
  • Now run our test with rake test. You should see the Redis::CannotConnectError reported from Rails.

    1# OUTPUT
    4Redis::CannotConnectError: Error connecting to Redis on (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)

    This is because Toxiproxy successfully closed the Redis connection during the test. Looking at the output from the toxiproxy-server window confirms this.

    1# OUTPUT
    2INFO[0108] Started proxy name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags proxy= upstream=
    3INFO[0110] Accepted client client= name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags proxy= upstream=
    4INFO[0110] Terminated proxy name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags proxy= upstream=
    5WARN[0110] Source terminated bytes=4 err=read tcp> use of closed network connection name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags
    6WARN[0110] Source terminated bytes=54 err=read tcp> use of closed network connection name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags
    7INFO[0110] Started proxy name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags proxy= upstream=
    8INFO[0110] Accepted client client= name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags proxy= upstream=
    9WARN[0110] Source terminated bytes=163 err=read tcp> use of closed network connection name=toxiproxy_test_redis_tags
  • In this simple example this test can pass by altering the app/models/post.rb#tags method to rescue the Redis::CannotConnectError.

    1# app/models/post.rb
    2def tags
    3 TagRedis.smembers(tag_key)
    4rescue Redis::CannotConnectError
    5 []

Check out this Shopify blog post and the official repository for more information on setting up and using Toxiproxy in your own architecture.


As software for data center management OpenStack can universally employ virtually any infrastructure-based Chaos tool we've already covered. Additionally, the OS-Faults tool is an open-source library developed by the OpenStack team and written in Python that is designed to perform destructive actions within an OpenStack cloud. Actions are defined using technology- and platform-specific drivers. There are currently drivers for nearly every aspect of OpenStack's architecture including drivers for the cloud, power management, node discovering, services, and containers.

While using OpenStack will depend heavily on your particular use case, below is one example showing the basics to get started.

  • Install OS-Faults via pip.

    1pip install os-faults
  • Configuration is read from a JSON or YAML file (os-faults.{json,yaml,yml}). Here we'll create the /etc/os-faults.yml file and paste the following inside.

    2 driver: devstack
    3 args:
    4 address:
    5 username: ubuntu
    6 password: password
    7 private_key_file: ~/.ssh/developer
    8 slaves:
    9 -
    10 iface: eth1
    13 - driver: libvirt
    14 args:
    15 connection_uri: qemu+unix:///system

    The cloud_management block contains just a single driver to be used, with relevant args such as the IP and credentials. The power_managements block can contain a list of drivers.

  • Now inject some failure by using the command line API. Here we're performing a simple restart of the redis service.

    1os-inject-fault restart redis service

That's all there is to it. OS-Faults is capable of many types of Chaos Experiments including disconnecting nodes, overloading IO and memory, restarting and killing services/nodes, and much more. The official documentation has more details.

Private Cloud

Take a look at the Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Private Cloud chapter to see how to begin Chaos Engineering within your own private cloud architecture using GomJabbar, Gremlin, and Muxy.


Check out the Chaos Monkey Alternatives - VMware chapter to learn about the Chaos Lemur tool and Gremlin's own Failure as a Service solution, both of will inject failure into your VMware and other BOSH-managed virtual machines with relative ease.


The tools you choose for implementing Chaos Engineering in Java will primarily be based on the technologies of your system architecture. However, in addition to the Maven and Spring Boot tools discussed below, you may also consider Namazu, which is an open-source fuzzy scheduler for testing distributed system implementations. Via a pseudo-randomized schedule, Namazu can attack the filesystem and IO, network packets, and Java function calls.

Namazu can be installed locally or via a Docker container. Additionally, the Namazu Swarm plugin allows multiple jobs to be paralleled via Docker swarms or Kubernetes clusters.

Check out the official GitHub repository for more details on Chaos Engineering your Java applications with Nazamu.


Since Maven is a build automation tool for Java applications performing Chaos Experiments in Maven-based projects is as easy as utilizing one of the Java-related Chaos Engineering tools we've detailed elsewhere. Check out our guides for Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot, Gremlin, Fabric8, and Chaos Lemur for some ways to inject failure in Maven- and Java-based systems.

Spring Boot

Exploring our Chaos Monkey Alternatives - Spring Boot chapter will teach you about how to use Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot, Gremlin, and Fabric8 to execute Chaos Experiments against your Spring Boot applications.


Regardless of the operating system you're using there is a slew of Chaos Monkey alternative technologies. Check out the notable selections in the Linux and Windows sections below for some quick tools to get your Chaos Engineering kicked into high gear.


Performing Chaos Engineering on Linux is a match made in heaven -- virtually every tool we've explored here in the Alternatives chapter and listed in our Resources - Tools section was designed for if not built with Unix/Linux.

Some standout alternatives for Linux include The Chaos Toolkit on Kubernetes, Gremlin's Failure as a Service on nearly every platform, Pumba on Docker, and Chaos Lemur on BOSH-managed platforms.


Like Linux, Windows Chaos Engineering depends on the platforms and architecture your organization is using. Much of the software we've covered in Resources - Tools and this entire Alternatives chapter can be applied to Windows-based systems.

Some particularly useful Chaos Monkey alternatives for Windows are the Fault Analysis Service for Azure Service Fabric, Gremlin's Failure as a Service for Docker, and Muxy for private cloud infrastructures.

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